What if today......was the last day of the rest of your life? How do you really know that it isn't? And what exactly did you do with it? I've heard this said numerous times, one was from a pastor that said a semi in front of him had in big letters on its rear door.....what if today." Just as simple as that. Then turning on the TV today the history channel is having armaggedon week. They had interviewed people on the streets and said, "what would you do different if you knew the world was coming to an end. " DUH! Aren't we getting closer to the end every day, aren't the signs that are happening before our very eyes obvious of just that. But even more surprising were their answers. NONE, said making sure that their lost friends were saved, none of them even said they would make sure their families were saved. Oh, they did say they would spend more time with those families, but in reality what would that time buy them. Although I wasn't surprised to hear that none of them said they would work more hours to stash up more money or material things, I've been at the edge of too many death beds to know that is of no importance when you are taking your last breath. What guarantees our next breath. What guarantees that we have the opportunity to share the hope to which we are called.....tomorrow. What really is tomorrow? I believe God is placing His urgency on the hearts of many right now. I believe that the day is drawing near when we will have to give an account for ourselves and for the gifts that He has given us.....what did we do with those gifts. If your gift is serving......how are you serving, if its prophesying....are you using that in proportion to your faith, if it is teaching.....how are you teaching, if it is encouraging....in what way are you being an encourager, if it is leadership.....this is your time, lead, if it is giving......where are you giving, if is mercy....how are you showing mercy. Rom 12:6-8 I believe the time is at hand for us to be ever so diligent that we are here for a purpose, for a mission.....its time for us to stand up....accept the mission....and go therefore into the world. They need us.....and more important God WANTS them.
AMEN!!!! AMEN!!!! AMEN!!!!!
and, if it was your last day, what will people be saying about you tomorrow......what mark did you leave?
I love you!!
Another blog.....how would your obit read?
I love you too!
Isn't doing life together incredible.
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