We say we want to hear from God, we say we want to be in his will....but do our actions speak as loud as our words. I thought about this today. I thought about the first time that God spoke to Samuel in 1 Samuel 3, three different times Samuel hears his name called "Samuel...... Samuel,......Samuel" (vs 4, 6 & 8). All three times Samuel got up and went to his mentor and said "Here I am, you called me," thinking that it was Eli that was calling. All three times Eli denied that it was him, but by the third time Eli realized that it was God calling out to Samuel and directed Samuel to return to his mat and the next time that he heard God call his name...he was to say "Speak, LORD, for your servant is listening." Samuel did as Eli instructed and in vs 10 scripture says that The LORD came and stood there, calling as at other times, Samuel! Samuel! And at this Samuel did as he was instructed and said "Speak, for your servant is listening. AND God spoke!!
We invite him to speak, yet we don't allow him enough time to do so. Don't begin to think that the devils not in the details, the busier he can keep us.....the less time WE have to hear God's voice. And many times we only think to ask God to speak when we only have a question to ask? We want him to speak to our questions, but He wants to speak to our WHOLE lives. God's not into giving his OPINIONS. Do I want his will....or do I want his opinion. Did you notice the humble stature of Samuel, although he was only a boy when God first spoke, Samuel says "your servant," is listening. If we want to get centered in our life its time for us to get out of the center. God's speaking....but are we taking the time to listen? Are we asking as a servant , with a servant's heart...God's still speaking if only we can silence the rest of the noise. In 1 Kings 19 Elijah is running in fear of his life (might I add, right after God showed Himself in the fire on Mount Carmel), Elijah finds himself hiding in a cave. When a great and powerful wind came....but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind was an earthquake....but the Lord was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake was a fire....but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper. A gentle whisper....what if Elijah had not been listening....what if we're not listening? How many winds, earthquakes and fires have already come...followed by the gentle whisper....I have never left you...nor forsaken you.
I ask Him to talk to me. I even try to listen, it's just that sometimes I KNOW what He's going to say (more than once many times), so I put my answering machine on....that way I don't ignore His call....I just let Him think I'm busy or not available....YEAH RIGHT!!!!!
Yeah, I heard a pastor say once, that he didn't want to hear the audible voice of God, because that would really hold him accountable.
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