On our drive home from N Carolina today...I happened to fall asleep somewhere along the way as we crossed from one time zone into the next. As we sat down for breakfast I asked Bill what time is it anyway? Good question.....he didn't seem to have the answer, not being sure exactly where the time even changes. What really is time that we are so mindful of it? The bible talks about the second coming of Christ and that we will not know the time or hour, that not even the angels know. I think I get it now. We wont' know because we are all still down here trying to figure out exactly what time it is. I talk to my aunt and uncle in Japan and its already tomorrow there. It kinda makes me laugh, because I always ask her....so how is tomorrow....just in case I want to skip it. Our friends in Australia sleep while we are awake, and we sleep while they are awake. It makes me think of the parable of the ten virgins in Matt 25. Ten virgins went out to await the bridegroom, all of them with their lamps, but only 5 took enough oil to await his return. As they await the bridegroom those that did not have enough oil left to go buy more, while they were out the bridegroom came. Those that were ready and prepared went into the wedding banquet with the bridegroom, those that weren't missed the wedding. So what time is it......it's time to make sure that our lamps are filled... that we have enough oil so that we don't miss the bridegroom on his return. Keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour.
TIME....it's really not determined by our clocks.
1 comment:
time...we seem to put different values on it too...what do we do in the time we have, with the time we've so graciously been given? are we making the most of it? I have to confess, no I'm not. I fall short with every second given to me. I can't get back my wasted time. I ask God for His eyes to see, His hands to do the things I should & need to be doing..will I have another second after this one?
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