Thats seems to be a good question in the world that we live today. All you have to do is listen to the news, open the newspaper or go to your local store. Is it just me or are we an "all about me" society. As I attempt to walk through the store I find myself just attempting to steer myself out of everyone's way. When did we become such a burden to one another, when did it become more important for us to get to the milk isle NOW, then to say, go ahead you first. I opened the door for an older couple today, they looked at me like I had lost my mind.....not in a bad way, but a way that clearly said to me...that nobody does that anymore. Then I wonder why our world is spiraling out of control. Perhaps it is because we have forgotten our purpose. It made me think of Paul saying in Romans that WE have been called, according to HIS purpose......and might I add FOR His purpose. When did we make it about our purpose? Do they see Jesus in us when we perform the small but simple task of opening a door, sending a card, cooking a meal....for the least of these. Let me remind us all that there are alot of "the least of these" out there today. They are not the poor as we would like to think....they are people just like you and me...but yet different. They don't know the hope to which we are called. Don't you think they wonder when someone does a kind act.....what or WHO was behind that act. PEOPLE, its time for us as Christ followers to shake the boat, rattle the waters and make some noise...some joyful noise, heaven knows the non-believers are making enough for all of us. What will people see when they see you.....hopefully not YOU. So where do we go......somewhere where very few go today....we show the world there is a better way, there is a world that's not about me.....and its glorious.
Tammy, I love your heart. This topic is something I really have alot to say about! Your reference to the MeMe's, as I call them, in the store is one example I use all the time. The other is the MeMe's is see everyday on "OUR" highways if you know what I mean. You are my "Blog Hero." What is really cool is to see how God is speaking to so many different people about the same things, at the same time.
Love You
WOW! That is so weird that you just said that. I just got done telling Bill less than 5 minutes ago, how it is so reaffirming that God is speaking to many of us about the same things. Confirmation my brother in what God is wanting people to hear, and he's speaking to those that are willing to listen. Thanks Mark, Love you too man.
When we do "do", are we doing for the right reason? That's another issue that seems to overflow when you find people "doing"...It is not for the glory of God. I too fell into the clutches of "looking good". Talk about being lost!Before I "do" things now, I find myself asking, "Why am I doing this? Is my heart right? How do I look in Jesus's eyes? Is it for His glory?" I LOVE to serve Him! It's NOT about me...it's NOT! I want to be an extention of Him.
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