Did I ever mention I hate this time of year.....No...well I do. You see in all of the seasons besides winter, I take a journey to prayer mountain (for those of you that don't know yet, its not a mountain, its our hill in the back 40) on the peak of this hill is a point where the face just seems to fall off, its a straight shot down the hill. The joke is you go out to pray....or you go out to jump. So far we've always came back alive. I've spent many an unclocked hour at prayer mountain, no watches, no cell phones, no electronic devices...don't everyone panic. It is surreal. It is as though you've been plucked from a world that seems to be spinning with activity to a place of complete and utter silence. The only noise is of the wind as it blows through the leaves, animals scurring around the woods and the voice of God. Wow, this is what makes the journey so worth it.....a fresh word....a time of reflection....a time of focus. We don't realize how the world clouds out our focus. Have you ever tried driving in a dense fog......and the road that you once thought you knew all of a sudden becomes new....different.....you begin to notice things that you had never noticed about it before. Why? Because our focus has become limited to the immediate.....to what is right in front of us, it has taken our focus off all the distractions that we would normally be focused on and focused us on the moment at hand. A day at prayer mountain is as good as a day in the fog.....all of a sudden the phone calls that need to be made, the laundry that needs to be done, the daily grind all fades away and the focus is on the only one that matters. Maybe its time for a few hours at the mountain.....
Is your mountain open for others? I feel "detached/attached" when I'm mowing...all His works surround me & when I'm working in my fractal flower beds. (I loved the description of Sarayu gardens in "The Shack". Total warmth came over me. That's the way my gardens are. They make no sense to anybody else but me & God)..it's MY time with God. I find myself sometimes talking aloud. I know people consider me the "crazy lady on the corner", but with that, I know He is smiling! What more do I need?
Thanks for reassuring me that I'm OK, I'm NOT crazy....well, maybe a little. love ya
I long for a place, and time to go to that place. When I can't go any longer I will sometimes pull my truck to the farthest end of a parking lot, shut off all interferences i.e.; CB,radio,cell phone then climb in the sleeper, close the curtain and just sit, listen, and talk to GOD. By the way it may sound strange but I feel a deep sense of comfort when driving in dense fog.
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