Matthew 14:28 Lord, if its you.....tell me to come to you on the water. And Jesus said "Come." Then Peter got down out of the boat and walked on the water and came to Jesus. BUT when he saw the wind, he was afraid, and beginning to sink, cried out "Lord, save me." Why is it that we question God's ability in our life, why do we question IF it is God. Notice that Peter said "if" its you. Now...I'm thinking...who else would be walking on water?? If I were out in a boat somewhere today and somebody was walking towards me on the water....I'm thinking that I wouldn't even be questioning who it was, let alone whether I could walk out to Him if He called me. I think that I would be bailing out of the boat before He even called me to "come." But doesn't He do that every day. He calls us to get out of the boat, to trust Him that what He calls us to do, is obviously not something that we could do of ourselves. But only through His calling. The reason He called Peter out wasn't to show how powerful He was....it was for Peter.....it was to test his faith in what the Lord said he could do. "Peter....come to me." But Peter lost focus and he began to sink as he took his focus off the Lord. And the Lord said "you of little faith...why did you doubt me?" I think about the many times God has called me out of that boat. At first I am so focused on Him, but soon the winds of doubt blow and I begin to sink. But He never lets me sink to far....before he holds out His hand to pull me back up. Help me Lord to have faith....that even when I get distracted by life...that you're hand is there to pull me back up again. Lord I want to walk to you.....help me to focus Lord.
Tammy I look forward to your blog everyday, I am so thankful that you allow God to work in and thru you. as I do my own blog, I can sence the feeling of connection with God. He is amazing. Keep blogging youare doing great.
Love you and Bill and your kids, Tammy
Tim delivered a message regarding Faith some time back. I was "shocked",for lack of a better word.at something he said.
FAITH & FEAR are direct opposites. Having "FAITH" is having faith in God. Having "faith" in fear is having faith in the enemy!
Hearing that, made me stop & truly look into my life. Where was my "faith"......everyday day now, I WORK to make sure my "FAITH" is right!!
Coincidentally, that was part of our conversation as Home Team Sunday night.....isn't God AMAZING??
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