As I was preparing for the Amazing Grace conference today, I was short a few oil lanterns for the table decor, so I made a quick trip to the antique mall....not really thinking that a trip to the antique mall could make for a God stop today. As I began to pray this evening what God wanted me to write about I heard "your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105 I thought about that lamp....and about the many times that we get up in the night and attempt to find our way in the dark.....even the smallest fliker of a flame...can illuminate the way. Isn't God alot like that flame, He often gives us only enough light to take one step at a time. Davids Psalms were choked full of wonder, times of distress and times of praise. God never promised us that it would be easy....He just promises us that we won't do it alone. For me His word is a lamp unto my feet....its like reading that old love letter over and over again. I remember the first time I began to really read the Old Testament...I was so lost...honestly...I was so bored, BUT, then after I came to know and understand the New Testament could I go back and now not only appreciate the Old Testament but hold it so dear to my heart. I SEE now, I was wondering around in the dark, until He illuminated my way. Now I see the prophesies that the prophets foretold. Now...I can read 1st Peter and know that Isaiah had told about some of the very things that Isaiah had prophesied about. I can't tell you the excitement that comes from knowing that the prophets of Old had told of what was yet to come and then to read about it in the New Testament. Most people when asked who they want to talk to when they reach heaven would tell you...one of the disciples..for me...I can't wait to sit down with Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel at the feet of Jesus.
One of the Psalms that has spoken to me the most is Psalm 25:4-5 "Show me the right path, O Lord, point out the road for me to follow. Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me. All day long I put my hope in you." As the conference approaches my mind and my thoughts are so focused on the lives of those that will be attending....who needs the light....who needs the flame.....who needs the flicker to be fueled. Lord may we serve you....and may we serve you well. Be glorified...be glorified...be glorified..today.
I am so in awe of you. Your knowledge, your love of God, your insightfulness & willingness to open your heart & mind to us.....thank you.....
I struggle everyday on my path....am I reading my road signs right?? did I take the right path?? Did I look down for just a second & miss something??
You are truly a GIFT from God & I thank Him everyday for you!!!
I love you!!
Tammy, you are AMAZING! I love reading what God has placed on your heart! All of your blogs are so full of light and love! You truly have a gift of being able to express God in and through you! I look forward to seeing what else you have to say....
The key to understanding God's word, for our generation I believe, is to read and learn The New Testament first. I too had attempted many times to read the Bible from beginning to end only to be confused and bored before completing the Old Testament. We have been raised in the light of the New Covenant, and our perception of God is from that. It is only after reading and understanding the purpose of our savior, and references to the profits of old in the New Testament, that we can then begin to understand the Old Testament. I have begun to reread the prophetical books of the Old Testament and am finding so much more than I ever could have before reading the New Testament several times. I think the best way for this generation to learn and understand The Word, is to read and understand God's provision in the New Testament first. Only after we now the "rest of the story" can we begin to truly understand the begining of the story! That is the typical irony in God's way.
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