What a message this morning. I have heard Louie Giglio speak numerous times and every time it is like hearing him for the first time over and over again. I think the thing I took most out of Louie's message was our insignificance....really...we are truly insignificant in this vast world that God spoke into existence. And even more profound to me was that by HIS breath then the stars were formed. BY HIS BREATH. What power, what majesty. That even his breath could create such beauty. The thought had occured to me this past week as we were preparing for the womens conference that God really doesn't need us.......He desires us.....He desires for us to participate with Him in his work....but He doesn't need us. If we are unwilling to carry out the mission that He has gifted to us, we are the ones that miss out...not Him. He will use someone else to accomplish His plan. Do we really believe that if we refuse to carry out His plans, that his plans will just be twarted....Psalms 103:15-16 As for man, his days are like grass, he flourishes like a flower of the field; the wind blows over it and it is gone, and its place remembers it no more. I remember so well the day of my grandfathers funeral. My grandfather was a true man of God...humble and gentle. I never once heard my grandfather raise his voice or say a bad word about anyone. His nature was that of a true servant....but on the day of his funeral...as that hearse pulled out of the church parking lot, I fully expected the world to stand still for this man. Did they not know who he was. What influence he had in his life....at least in my life. As the world continued on....I realized that our influence as limited as it is, is still insignificant to the world as a whole. Todays message gave me an even greater awareness that we are simply a speck in a world that was spoke into being....we are simply a flower that will soon blow over and be gone. We truly are insignificant in the light of His significance.
I felt that too, but more than that, I realized just how IMPORTANT we are to Him. In the vastness of all His creation, you can't even see us. HE DOES!! He not only sees us, He knows us intimately & He loves how.....how AWESOME is He????
I just had this picture in my mind of these HUGE arms hugging this little golf ball. LOL. YEAH thats God.
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