What's your story......everybodies got a story. As I worked the other day, I couldn't help but wonder about their lives....most of them were in their ninties by now, but they weren't always ninty. What were their lives like....what exciting things had they accomplished in their lives, what story did they have to tell? The aboriginals from Australia make their boys go on a walkabout, because they know that life without a story isn't a life lived. How's our walkabout going? What story do we have to tell. What stories will we be able to tell?
I think that many of our stories are what kept us away from church to begin with. We felt that our sins, our shortcoming....our stories were enough to condemn us. So instead of going we avoided church like the plague. I didn't really think about this until I talked to a co-worker that attended our church for the first time this past sunday. I had the opportunity to share her enthusiasm for what she saw and what she felt from attending. She had commented that she had been in and out of churches but never really felt much. But when she came sunday....it was different. What's her story....probably not much different than yours or mine. A life of desiring and working for more in our life that finally led us to seek out more and find it in the local church.
I read the obituaries and I wonder what their stories were....in older times you didn't have to wonder. They would write that Joe Johnson died today of such things as consumption (no he hadn't been drinking-tuberculosis), dropsy (edema), and apoplexy (stroke) at his home in whereverville, along side of him at the time of his death was his devoted wife Kate, his children played in their rooms and they all had....had a large meal together prior to Joe's dying. I chuckle when I read them. One obituary had said that he just had finished a sandwich before he succumbed. Where have we lost the details of living.....have we forgotten that its the small things in our life that form who we are. It's the little things that can make our story big.....what seemingly insignificant, but yet significant detail will you add to your story today.
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