Lord...you call us to be servants, but the world wants to teach us anything but servanthood. We live in an all about me society. We are inundated with television, billboards, magazines, books that tell us that if its not about us that something has went strangely array. We slowly start to fade away from our calling into a world that slowly sucks the life out of us. It's time as Christ.-followers to stand up for the victory that has already been won. He calls us not because of our abilities...but despite our abilities. He is essentially saying that "You can be strong and courageous because I am with you. Victory isn't about your abilities, your strength, your skill, your armor, your gifts, or your dedication: it has to do with my presence. You can be strong, BECAUSE I will be strong in you." I know that in a world of uncertainty I find solice in the fact that I am not able to fulfill His calling....but he is able to complete His calling in and through me...through His ability not mine. We see all of our flaws, all of our weaknesses....but He sees what He has created us to be. I wish I could see the same picture of me that He sees. For He sees me so different than I do. I see a heart that wants to be used, a heart that wants so much to make him proud....He sees a heart that He is already proud of...and I didn't even have to do anything to earn it. Genesis 1:31 God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. I find so much joy in the fact that everything that He created he spoke into existence....but Genesis 2: 7 "the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life." Do we comprehend that? Do we comprehend that everything else God spoke into existence, but when it came to man, He formed us, sculpting us and then He breathed the breath of life into us. To me that says that He touched me and then his lips touched mine as they breathed the breath of life into me. I have been created for such a time as this. He has called me to serve and I will rise to the call.