Wow, it has been a busy day. Worked on our Womens Conference this morning. Our theme this year is Amazing Grace....the legacy. We will be talking about Grace and the legacy that we leave to those that follow us. Ran by the church to pick up some registration forms. Noon meeting with 3 fabulous gals from church that are working on the conference with me. It is amazing how God uses us all so differently. We discussed dramas for the conference. Came back home worked on conference some more, twitted some friends, then downloaded scribus to begin working on the program. Supper of hamburgers and homemade fries, then sent Bill off to his transition team meeting for the church, as we transition from the misconceptual church to a church that Jesus would want to attend. I love my husband so much. It is such a secure feeling to have a husband that is so rooted in his faith. Sent Morgan off to youth group. Caught a quick hot bath, then tried to do the tutorial on scribus. Am learning that I am not as young and as quick to learn as I used to be. I found myself pausing and rewinding to try and get it. We are preparing for the Konneker Christmas this weekend. David, Heidi, Jadyn & Matthan arrive in town on Friday. YEAH!! Matthan changes so much every time we see him. It is now 11:30 and should be sleeping.
As I read aboutyour day I think of this Scripture:
A wife of noble character who can find?
She is worth far more than rubies.
Her husband has full confidence in her
and lacks nothing of value.
She brings him good, not harm,
all the days of her life.
The Holy Bible : New International Version. Grand Rapids : Zondervan, 1996, c1984, S. Pr 31:10-12
Your hubby is a lucky man! Keep up the good work sis!
Thanks Addis. Been thinking/saying mini prayers throughout the day for your family. My only goal is too be a woman after Gods own heart and worthy of her husbands love.
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