Do you remember the old Robert Frost poem? Two roads diverge in the woods and I-I took the one less traveled by...and it has made all the difference. I loved that poem from the first moment I heard it. How often we come to the paths in our lives where we stop and look down both paths. Though the one path is well worn and seems to be well traveled our hearts tell us to take the one less traveled by....because in taking it, it will make all the difference. I think of life prior to being a Christ follower, though the path was familiar, it brought no peace, it brought no comfort. Since taking the path less traveled by, I now walk in peace and joy. Not peace and joy as the world knows it, but a peace and joy that surpass understanding. Why do I tell you these things? Because for the past year in my quiet times I keep stumbling across "Pay attention, listen carefully" and "do not turn to the right or left," and "that is why you have been brought here." I feel as though I've been standing at this road that diverges, and want so badly to take the right path, to be obedient, to pay attention. But also a bit fearful of what I'm going to be asked to do when I start down that path. Am I equipped, did I pack the right supplies for the journey, OR, am I trying to pack to much for the journey? Am I the 0nly one that wonders what Abram did in Genesis 12:1 when God says "go to the land I will show you." Not that I have shown you, but that I WILL show you. What did Abram do? Did he step out of his townhouse and just stand there? I mean how did he know whether he was going to the left or to the right? Did he wonder if he was headed in the right direction? Was there billboards along the way, saying...this way Abram. Could use one of those billboards right now. The two roads diverge in the woods....and I'm standing at them......listening, paying attention and knowing I have been brought here for such a time as this...
1 comment:
On a daily basis I feel the confusion at the crossroads...is my "connection" a good one? Am I receiving the right message? There's so much static...Thanks for sharing your struggles too....ALWAYS great to know I'm not alone!!
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