As I sat here tonight, my thoughts were of the simplicity of life, but yet how simple it isn't. As my heart and mind search scripture references to back up life being simple..I draw a blank. I look to the scripture for my source of strength, to give me a map through this life, to offer me hope of a better life yet to come. But yet as I look through scripture....I see David who's Psalms mostly cried out to God to hear his distress and help him through his rough times.....I see Job as he loses everything cry out to God in his painful affliction Job 19:2 "How long will you torment me". Paul....tortured. Daniel....for pete's sake.... wasn't being thrown in the fire enough, NO, he then was thrown into a den of lions. Do you know that "do not be afraid" is mentioned over 325 times in scripture, that is a "do not be afraid" for every day of the year. Where are we without the hope of scripture? We fail to look at scripture and look at our lives and see the same thing. Church as we knew it from our childhood has taught us that "to struggle" is to sin. Show me anywhere in scripture where a true Christ follower walked without fear, walked without feelings of defeat. True Christ following is not easy, has never been easy. We often want to paint Christianity as some glamorous picture. Christ following is often times a bloody battle, not fought easily without full armor. We often show a video at church of regular people like you and I holding a sword, not a small sword but an excaliber sword. And over and over again you hear them say "I will not be defeated, I will not be defeated, I will not be defeated." Ever, had one of those days when it would be easier to be OF the world than IN the world. Without scripture, without the hope of more glorious days...wouldn't it be easy to step away? I am reminded of being at Church camp as a camp counselor and Dave Atherton was preaching. YEAH Dave. Miss him so. He was preaching out of Romans 12. As he was preaching I found myself writing in the back of one of my bible's Romans 12:1 (my personalized version) Therefore, in view of your mercy, I offer myself as a living sacrifice, may it be holy and pleasing to you-may this be my spiritual act of worship. May I NO longer conform to the patterns of this world, but may I be transformed by the renewing of my mind. Then and only then will I be able to test and approve what your will for me is-your good, pleasing and perfect will. He never promised me this walk would be easy-he only promised that I wouldn't walk it alone.
1 comment:
God is sooooooo good!! Today is Christmas Eve...I spent the morning whining, complaining, & feeling sorry for myself....all the while I knew God was listening. He's soooo good! He allows my rants, tears, & quietness as I wait....I KNOW He's there.....I KNOW He hears......I KNOW it's ALL in His plan! Hallelujah! HE IS IN CONTROL!
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