On to a more serious note. I was pondering Tim's sermon from sunday. Yes, I really do listen and ponder!! I was thinking about him saying that we are deputized & authorized. That true Christ following is based on delegated authority. My thoughts today went to Ephesians 6:10 when Paul says "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power, put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes." I remember so well the day Tim pulled back his arm in another message, with that arrow and shot it at the target (us). Today has been one of those days. God has gained such a victory in full use of our new building, but the enemy seeks to steal that victory by destroying the witness of our testimony. I believe that some things are spiritual warfare and some things are just pure coincidence. But the events of the past few days make me wonder coincidence or spiritual warfare. Many times after such a victory satan attempts to sneak in the back door and beat us down from behind. Just like a little mouse rounds your house until it finds one small hole to enter and cause caos. We lost 3 furnaces at our business today. Not one, not two, but THREE. Coincidence or spiritual warfare. Just as Bill was taking a sigh of relief from litigations, long nights with property development meetings, satan attempted to sneak in the back door. But what he didn't know was that we are equipped with the "full armor of God," and we are "deputized & authorized." Today he stands defeated one more time. I will continue to praise Him even in the storms.
Oh how funny!! Ya know I have thought about using one of those before, but the thought kind of freaks me out!! Keep us updated on the results!
Really does work though. No more headache and can breathe easier. Its a Ripley's moment. HA
I saw one of those in my HEALTH Magazine and was temped to order one! Glad to know they work so well!
Walmart Kate...but get the one that is the 8 oz bottle you can control the amount of pressure.
I'm so behind in my "blog" reading/internalizing/praying. Did God give you a nudge to pass the word on to me about Satan's attack? I've got my armor on, but sometimes wonder if I'm worthy!?! that's DEFINITELY satan.....thank you Tammy & thank you LORD!
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