What is life.....that he is mindful of it? Life is but a glimmer....its fading the moment it begins. As new as the poppy is in the spring....it too has a season. We too, have such a season, such a time, such a moment. I never really thought of myself as a people watcher. But the older I get the more I find myself observing and pondering what we do or don't do that makes all the difference. I hear the interaction across an isle at the supermarket of a hurried mother and a curious child, I wish she...as I could have been...a little bird above looking down at the moment. What we miss...what I missed. I want to say to the mother.....do you know what you have just missed in that moment? What curiosity you have stolen from your child. Why can we not see from their perspective. Even Jesus had to remind the people that "unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." I sat across the table from my 5 year old grandaughter tonight as she talked about "all the people being beautiful" and her daddy said "I wish we all could be beautiful," she turns to him with all the seriousness a five year can muster and said so sincerely "daddy, you are beautiful." Where have we failed, with the eyes of a child. Why do we see the world and see bitterness, anger and rage.....but they see beautiful. Have we became to busy to notice. I know that the word says "train up a child in the way it should go" but wonder sometimes if they aren't training us...more than we train them sometimes. This next year, I vow to have the "heart of a child"...may I see the people and call them "beautiful".
I know exactly how you feel. I want that idealistic (?) mind that children have. Taylor, even though she is growing up in so many ways, still has that. Just last night we were outside about 10:30 before going to bed and she breathed in really deeply and smiled and kind of giggled and said the air smells so sweet, its just like summer. I never would have thought that. I noticed the unseasonal warmth, but I was trying to hurry the dogs so I could get to bed. I guess we just have to slow down so we can notice the sweet smell of the air and the beauty of those who fill it.
How much have we already missed. I don't want to miss a moment more.
At this time of year, seeing things through the eyes of a child seems a bit easier to grasp. The innocense of a child at Christmas, their anticipation, their openness, their awe.....it's what I want all year long!!
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