God speaks many times to me in dreams. No, I don't get a house rattling voice. But the dreams that I get from God are so different than your run of the mill dream. There is a presence about them, there is a closeness that you don't feel in other dreams. I think he does that because we are so busy during the day and really don't take time to listen to the still small voice througout the day. On this one occasion I dreamt of a winged creature flying to me and touching my lip with a hot coal. I remember waking up and immediately feeling my lip thinking it should be burnt or hurt, but there was no pain. I remember hearing of this in scripture and set out to find it. I eventually found it in Isaiah 6:6 Then one of the seraphs flew to me with a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with tongs from the altar. With it he touched my mouth and said, "See this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for." Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying. "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said "Here am I. Send Me!" That was at a time when I had been praying that God would use me, even though I knew I was in no way, shape or form worthy of use. But I soon realized its not about BEING worthy, its about being available, its about submitting to His will, His plan, His authority and the authority of the Church that He has put over me. From that day I realized "my sins have been atoned for, my guilt has been taken away" the gift is free, but costs us our very life. Being submitted to His plan doesn't come easy, we always seem to want to take the realm of the wheel again and try to guide the boat ourselves. I daily remind myself that its not about my plan, but its all about His. As Tim was preaching Sunday he taught out of Luke 9 he read vs 1 & 2. But for some reason both Bill and I read on into 3, as I read...."take nothing for the journey" jumped off the page at me, although I said nothing, Bill said outloud to me "take nothing with you." I found it ironic that we both heard the same thing. "Take nothing with you," we worry so much about food, money, material possesions...its all a part of us....but here Jesus reminds the disciples that there is no need...you won't need those things. Take nothing with you...everything you need will be given to you when you get there...if...and when you say "Here am I, Send Me." Worthiness isn't about our ability its about His ability...and our availability.
Maybe God is going to divest you of your things if you won't. "Take nothing with you!! Tell Bill to get on his face!!!!!!!!! The Lord does talk to me occasionally, also! Love Ya!
I'm afraid he would start snoring.
You snooze you lose! On your face BRO!!
I now know why God didn't lead me to TAKE the time to catch up on your blog until today...no matter what, I need to continue to be willing. The "take nothing with you", I don't have a problem with that at all...hmmmm....maybe I should think about that?? I love you....thank you for guiding me!
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