When the Spirit moves...
Some of my most fondest memories are of my mother having me lay on the dining room floor on a beautiful spring or fall day, we would lay in the floor underneath an open window and just lie there and feel the breeze blow over us. I don't really recall much of what was said or even if a word was uttered by either one of us. But just to lay there and feel the warmth of the breeze blow across us. Last night as we slept in our grandaughters bed, I could hear the wind blow outside her bedroom window....almost as if it were beckoning for me to open the window and allow it in. I opened the window and I just lay down on the floor beneath the window, the breeze was so warm, so refreshing, so mesmerizing....the long curtain would barely brush past my face with each gust of breeze that came. As I lay there...my thoughts we're of how much the breeze is like the holy spirit. You can't see it, you can't touch it.....but its presence cannot be denied. After feeling its warmth who can deny it's presence, who would not long to feel it again and again. I think of when John the baptist baptized Jesus in Luke 3:22 "and as he was praying, heaven was opened and the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form like a dove." I can only imagine the breeze from heaven as the heavens open and the Holy Spirit descends on Jesus. Those moments with my mom on the floor....are something I will never forget. Those moments lying on the floor feeling the Holy Spirit move.....are moments no one can forget.
You described it perfectly! Just as in "The Shack" when Mack meets The Holy Spirit. She gathers his tears in a bottle. He had to involuntarily squit in her direction, thinking it would help him see her better. But, he still had a hard time focusing on her. She seemed to shimmer in the light & her hair went every direction even though there really wasn't a breeze. That's the way I imagine the Holy Spirit. All around, but really can't focus directly! The stirring I feel when The Spirit is working internally is unlike any word I know to describe it!
AMEN Toni!! It's awesome isn't it. I can't imagine life any different than knowing and serving Him.
I used to think that people talking about the spirit moving them or stirring in them was just some fanatical bible thumper suffering some phenomena brought on by some euphoria. How WRONG I was. I just hadn't allowed God into my life. Having the Spirit of Truth alive in me is definitly not euphoria! And I'm no bible thumper. I can't wait for the next stirring!
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