Its the anticipation of every woman....the day that she walks down the isle to the man she has waited her whole life for. The man that promises her, his devoted love. The day has long been awaited. Preparations have been taking place for months, the bride wants her bridegroom to never forget the essence of her beauty as the doors open and he takes his first look at his future wife. All stand and for that moment she has escaped into a fairy tale, as she walks that isle it couldn't be long enough for her to savor the moment or short enough for her to arrive there with him. Her bridegroom he so eloquent, he is a picture of perfection. In her eyes he is all that matters and all that exists.....for that moment.
We are that bride......Christ is the bridegroom. He has gone before us to prepare the wedding feast. I think of the day that he calls his bride home. I wonder how long that isle will be, will the rose petals be so thick that you can't even see the floor beneath them. Will the scent of roses fill the air. Will the music be BOLD, yet beautiful. Will there be resounding trumpets announcing the arrival of the bride to meet her bridegroom. He came as a servant and yet He still receives us with a servant heart. He doesn't make the wedding about Him.....He stands in silence at the end of the isle awaiting His lovely bride. He shows off the beauty of her grace that only He could provide, He shows off the brilliance of life in her....as only He could place there.
The feast has yet to begin....the wedding has yet to take place....but the bridegroom awaits. And the day will be the most beautiful wedding story ever told.
And like are our weddings on this earth, there is some preparation involved. It's quite simple too......as here on earth, we must say "yes, I will. I do accept". If we fail to do this simple thing, we could quite possibly miss the wedding! We will miss the headlines, "Wedding of a lifetime!!!"
this morning as I was in the shower, your blog was still in my head, That's God!! He said to me, you know, the best part about the "wedding of YOUR lifetime", there's no hassle with the dress, the attendants, the invitations, the food, the reception, the gifts.......I'M ALL YOU NEED! Just say, "yes I accept you! I will follow you!"
Yes LORD, I do. I will.
How awesome. I too was thinking again about the wedding. I wander who will be there to watch us walk down the isle. Do I get to be at your wedding and you at mine as we return to him. You will make a beautiful bride. I can see you glowing now.
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