I remember having this dream....its been years ago now, but in my dream I was walking through fields of fragrant flowers. The colors were the most vivid colors I had ever seen. Each species of flower were in fields of there own....yellows, reds, vibrant purple and blues. It was as though I had just entered heaven. It was one of those dreams that was so peaceful, so breathtaking that you never wanted to wake up from. Fragrance does something to the senses. They say that our minds remember more from our sense of smell than any other sense that we have. I believe that. I think about some of my most favorite smells and the memories that they conjure up in me. Like the smell of my grandfathers pipe as I entered their house. The smell of fresh cut grass after a heavy dew. The smell of rain before it even begins. The smell of my husband as I hug him. I think that one really touches me the most, as it is the first thing that Morgan and I do when he gets home from work at night. We both give him a hug and his scent lingers. I recall my husband wrapping me in his arms one day and began to inhale deeply with his nose pressed to my neck. Of all the things that he has done in our marriage....for some reason this has meant the most to me. It was one of those inhalations that said I don't ever want to forget how you smell and I want to inhale so deeply so that your memory will linger forever. I wonder about heaven, what will it smell like, what will God smell like. In my imagination I think it will be much like that moment with my husband. I think that I will inhale so deeply that his scent will become so much a part of me. I can only imagine that His fragrance will be greater than any field of flowers, any fresh rain or any of my favorite smells.
I agree....I find myself smelling Mark's coat when I wear it to take the dogs out (it's my way of having him wrapped around me with him even knowing it.....security), smelling his pillow on nights when he doesn't get to be there with me. We all have our individual scent....another one of God's special gifts to each of us. Isn't He just AWESOME??
It's wonderful isn't it. I can't wait to smell HIM!!
I do the same thing with David's things! Must be part of being in love :-) I have to think that when we get there our humanly senses are going to be so overwhelmed...the sights, the sounds, the smells. How amazing to even think about it!
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