Tim's message this morning really had me thinking. Point three in his "Put Me in Coach," series spoke of "our" accountability for our redemptive potential. God has a plan for each of our lives......a purpose if you will. We will be held accountable for the "purpose" or the "gift" that God has given us. I heard a pastor once say that he was so glad that God doesn't still speak in an audible voice. Can you imagine the accountability we would have in that. In Judges 6 God sends an angel to deliver His word to Gideon. The angel told Gideon, "The Lord is with you, mighty warrior." But Gideon said to the angel "if the Lord is with us, then why has all this happened to us?" The Lord then said to him to "go in the strength that you have, Am I not sending you!" Again Gideon questions God and the Lord told him "I will be with you."
We live in a tough world today....everything around us seems out of control. I find it hard some days to maintain focus...to NOT be conformed to this world....but be transformed by it. Romans 12. I think this is a crucial time to for Christ followers to draw close to God, to be in His word with more depth and more breadth. To ask.....and then take time to listen. His voice may not be audible....but I still hear it, I still feel it. And though everything else seems to be in chaos I know that He has it all worked out. I was listening to a pastor the other day that posed the question. What are you afraid of?.........The worst thing that could happen in your life is you could die. Or maybe that's not even the worst.....maybe that will be the best thing....heaven awaits us. So what are we worried about. And what substantiates our worry.
Now just in God's conversation with Gideon alone, I think I would have fell flat on my face. Wouldn't we all die to hear an audible word from our Lord. We wouldn't have to question whether it was him or whether it was us. We wouldn't wonder what His will was. HE SPOKE IT!!! They had no doubt what God wanted to accomplish in and through them. Now we have to have faith in what God is telling us. Why did they question God.....for Pete's sake.....there's an angel standing before them. What were they thinking......or what were they NOT thinking. I think that would hold me pretty accountable. Yet we are no less accountable today. But Lord I could sure use an angel.....if you got one to spare.
1 comment:
how do you know He isn't sending angels now? Unless they are "glowing" would you know? There are people around me that make me take notice.....they just might be one of God's angels here on earth! There's just something that I feel in the aura.....hmmmm!
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