This morning was one of those epiphany moments. Waking up with a bad headache and sore throat I opted for the tylenol and an ice pack to head back to bed. I hate missing church...to me its like attempting to drive through the week on a tank thats half filled. So as I lay in bed I decide to try to find a service on the television that I can still get a message for this morning. Much to my surprise God gave me a message that wasn't delivered by any pastor, nor by any worship....as a matter of fact in spite of preaching and music. As I began to watch this church service I felt this overwhelming since of the fact that we do church....but do we really do church. WHAT? As I watched people worshiping, the pastor preaching and all the things of a typical sunday morning, I wandered what our weeks look like. We attend Church on Sunday, but what about the rest of our week. I felt this overwhelming since of the disciples giving up everything that they knew as real.....jobs, homes, families...to go OUT to the world preaching, teaching and baptizing in the name of Jesus. What are we doing during a typical week-in the name of Jesus. Most of us are tending to the everyday tasks of jobs, homemakers, husbands, wives, moms and dads. If we're doing church than why is there so many wandering around today looking for more. If we are living our faith why aren't they beating down our doors to ask us about what we have that they don't. Obviously, they aren't seeing much different in us than they see in themselves. I can tell somebody I go to church....but I would rather they look at me and say "there's just something different" and I want them to desire what I have. But I fail. I do church.....but all too often I fail to DO CHURCH. Lord, help me with my limited perspective. Help me to live everyday with a hope that only comes from you, a joy that only you can provide, a love that sees beyond my vision.....help me to live as if you really called me...because you have. Forgive my limited perspective.
Funny I am just reading this blog now....it was basically one of the topics of conversations I had today at the nursing home. Many, many do see a difference. They want what we have, they just are afraid they or their sin is "unforgivable". They are still watching, listening & waiting!! GOD KNOWS!! Today I was blessed with the opening of a heart of a very "prideful--take care of myself" person. She was sick yesterday. I told her then I was praying for her. I called her today to see how she was feeling & if she had the test results back. God led me to stretch & ask her to allow me the priviledge of bringing her some of the veggie soup I made yesterday. She said "YES"!!!! My feet could hardly touch the floor as I fixed her soup, crackers, cookies & of course, chocolate!!!
You probably heard my praise at your house!!!
They are watching.....God IS preparing us.....He is so AWESOME!!
Way to go Toni. Live it girl. We have to let them see. Words aren't enough anymore. We are fighting a battle for their souls.
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