After much discouragement about work situations and lack there of. I knew I had to give it over to God and get out of His way. He reminded me that his plan was to prosper me and give me a hope and a future. But I didn't see the picture that He was seeing. If only we could stand where He stands and see things unfold as He had planned. He takes us to the end of our means and then says...."Are you now ready for me to take over?" On Friday evening before we went to bed I had wrote in red lipstick on our bathroom mirror..."How Great Is Our God!" I wanted Him to know that despite what seemed like a desperate situation in our lives that I would continue to praise Him in the storm. After writing that we went to bed. For some reason I didn't go right to sleep and at 10:30 that very same night the first of many phone calls came in. And thus has begun over 50 hours of work since Saturday morning alone. It was Tuesday morning I believe when the hospital called yet again and asked me to come in and work. I stepped out of the shower to have Bill standing there pointing at the mirror saying, "you wrote that right, NOW, How Great Is Your God." He laughed as he said maybe you should have left off the exclamation point. I am so blessed by our God. He is Great....He has already done so much in our lives and so much in the lives of our family, that He could have done nothing more and I would still continue to praise Him. James 1 says to "Consider it pure joy my brothers whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverence. Perservance must finish its work so that you may be mature and COMPLETE, not lacking anything. But James also goes on to say that we must believe when we ask and not doubt. I never doubted that God would provide.....but I just didn't know His timing and the blessings of His gift. The next years won't be easy in the world that we are now living in....but we need to hold strong in our faith and not lose heart. We indeed have a GREAT GOD!
Could not have said it better!! I have learned, when I pray, I need to be SPECIFIC!! When my prayers are answered, I sometimes question my "answer"......but, I wasn't specific!! GOD KNOWS!!
Just breathe!!
How about sleep. I just got up, I think I just slept 13 hours. WOW
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