Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Who do you say that I am? We have all heard this question in our lives in the church, it was an infamous question that Jesus posed to Simeon one of his disciples. Jesus asked this of Simeon not because He didn't believe that Simeon knew who Jesus was....but because Jesus was setting up Simeon to see HIS true identity in Christ. Of all the disciples that worked with Jesus in his time here, there was only one that he changed their birthname. 

It came down something like this John 16-13 when Jesus asked his disciples "Who do you say that I am", most of them answered with what other people thought. "Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah and still other say Jeremiah or one of the prophets. At that moment he gazed over to Simeon and asked him "Who Do you Say that I am" Simeon answered with "You are the Christ the son of the living God." Jesus blessed Simeon and told him that, that had not been revealed to him by man but by God the father and at that moment Jesus changed Simeons name and his sense of purpose to Peter and Jesus said "on this rock I will build my church and the gates of Hades will nor prevail. 

I wonder at how often many of us have reflected on what God calls us....we fail to see the new identity in Christ and the things that we don't believe that in our flesh could be accomplished. If we saw ourselves the way God see's us and take the NEW name he has given us we could be far more effective in our ministry to others. Perhaps its time for us to find our true identify and to begin to live in the new name that we have been given. 

Lord help the church to find their new identities in you an pursue a path that you would want to build a church on. 

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