There is a song that says.....Lord move in a way that I have never seen before....because there's a moutain in the way and a lock on the door. So Lord move or....move me. The song puts on a whole new perspective as I sat here today and I was looking out at the mountains I recall Jesus telling them that if they had faith...even faith as small as a mustard seed "you can say to this mountain to move from here to there and it will move, nothing will be impossible with you." I look at all we have been through in 2008. It has been a tough year. But then I wonder if I would have taken authority over the victory and battle already won, and told "our mountain" to move from here to there, what would 2008 have looked like. Would it have taken on another perspective all together. 2009 is sure to hold all kinds of moutains of its own, the question is.....would I rather climb them...or just maybe MOVE them.
Happy 2009. And may the mountains in your life be moved or may God move you.
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