Jesus the genie, Jesus the 911 operator....who really is Jesus to me? I cry out in need on my darkest days but how often do I call out his name on my mountain top days. We tend to use Jesus only when we really need him...other days we set him on the shelf to gather the dust of the day. Matthew 16:13-20 In a synopsis Jesus is sitting with his disciples when he point blank asks them "Who do people say that I am"? They answer with "some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets." But then he says to them "Who do YOU say that I am"? Simon Peter answered "You are the Christ the Son of the Living God." Only to be denied by Peter shorty after. It's easy for us to sit face to face with Jesus and say you are my all in all but when face to face with a non-believer we quickly forget who Jesus is in our lives. Jesus proceeds to tell Peter that he was blessed because that was not revealed to him by man but by God himself and "that you are Peter and on this rock I build my church and the gates of Hades (hell) will NOT overcome it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven." Our future was built on that moment in time. God, through Jesus built his church on a single man that he knew would soon betray him. I fail him daily, I fall....but the difference in failing and falling is that in failing I give up in falling I get back up. Who do I say you are.....I say not only are you the son of the living God, you are Holy, you are trustworthy, you are love in its deepest form, you are forgiveness, you are the voice that I hear when I don't think I can get up one more time, you are my strength in these days as I grow weary. You are my God, my reason for living, the hope to which I am called, you are my all in all. Will I fail you....you know I will...but you love me still. You know my heart Lord....search it and see that it is true. YOU ARE LOVE AND LIGHT TO ME.
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