I wondered today if my life reflects all that Christ gave for me....I wondered if I was living the price that He paid to carry my cross. It was bad enough that He was beaten, broken, spat upon only to drag my cross of sin and shame to the top of that hill only to be hung upon it for something that He didn't even deserve. Where was I? Ahhh....yes, I was standing in the crowd with everyone else watching Him carry their cross as well. The load of that cross upon His shoulders had to be overwhelming for my sin alone let alone the sin of all mankind. Isaiah 53 had told about this man that God would send to carry our inadequacies. 53:11 After the suffering of His soul, he will see the light of life and be satisfied; by his knowledge my righteous servant will justify MANY and He will BEAR their iniquites." I can't seem to get my small humanly hands around the fact that God would send His son, not just His son BUT HIS ONLY CHILD, only to be mocked, beaten, battered and bruised for me. Which brings my thoughts back to am I living the cross of Christ. Am I making the weight he carried worth the pain he endured for me. Would I lay down my life to complete His will for me. Will I carry the cross for someone that isn't strong enough today to carry the weight of their world on their shoulders, will I walk beside them and encourage them that the weight on their shoulders has already been lifted, Christ already carried it....there is now no need to weigh ourselves down with the weight of a sin that God has already forgiven. What I've really been thinking about is as mom enters her last hours, what can I say about my last years, my last days, my last hour....will it be said that "she glorified God to the very end." That they saw no burden that I carried BECAUSE it wasn't given to me to carry. God said give it to me....and I will make your burden light. I think today I'm going to start living more for the Cross that was carried for me. Ahhh.....I feel the weight already becoming lighter. Will you live for the Cross as well or will you have let Him carry YOUR cross in vain?
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