Monday, May 13, 2013

A Place I Don't Want to Go!

I've struggled for two weeks now, this is a place I've been asking God not to take me! Its easy for us all to show up to church on Sunday and then on Monday easily blend back in with our society of work, motherhood, wife, husband, father....whatever that may be for you. God called me out on a chapter in Isaiah that we studied back towards the start of Isaiah, at that time it was words on a page and though we know that everything God had his prophets and apostles write about was things he wanted us to know, this chapter meant little to us in the time we were was only a part of prophecy that had yet to be fulfilled. Trust me!!! I've tried to move on and avoid going here....less you think I'm crazy, but God's not letting it go in my mind and he keeps bringing me back to this place and is asking me to share it with you. 

We all want to know that scripture is relevant in our lives and that we are walking in it, but from what we have read of scripture that seems so far fetched to us...those things happened back then but they don't happen today. Well today I'm here to tell you that, right now at this moment we are walking in the words that the Lord gave to Isaiah in regards to his prophecy of Israel and Syria! Today we are watching the scriptures unfold like a script from a movie being played and I stand back and am amazed that I am living in a time where I can see that a prophet that prophesied over 2800 years ago is telling the people of that time what is actually happening TODAY!!

I will do my best to tie all this together for you, the Lord has been flooding my head with scriptures all over the bible and he won't let me move forward in Isaiah until I help you to understand that we are living the is our script and we are the actors and actresses of a great movie!!

It all began for me about 7-8 years ago, God woke me up one night and all I kept hearing was Ezekiel 38. I lay there like any of us would saying "ok, I'll read it in the morning" but God persisted and all night I kept hearing Ezekiel 38. I finally relented and got up about 3 a.m and read it. Now I found myself even more perplexed than ever. God may as well have been speaking Greek (or Arabic) to me.....I remember asking him "what does all this mean and why are you telling me this." It wasn't for another 5 years that God finally revealed Ezekiel to me in its full clarity. Today I still wonder why he is telling me these things and what am I to do about them....except to prepare the hearts of His people to repent and turn back to Him he is desperately calling you back home.

I'm going to attempt to break down to you what took me years to discover and we'll start first with Ezekiel 38 and 39. Ezekiel 38 begins with Ezekiel saying that God gave him a word, he said "Son of man, set your face against Gog (ruler or king), of the land of Magog (modern day Russia), the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal (modern day Turkey); prophecy against him and say: "this is what the Sovereign Lord says: I am against you, O Gog, chief prince of Meshech and Tubal (Turkey). I will turn you around put hooks in your jaws and bring you out with your whole army-your horses, your horseman fully armed and a great horde with large and small shields, of all them brandishing their swords. Persia (modern day Iran), Cush (modern day Ehiopia) and Put (modern day Libya) will be with them, all with shields and helmets, also Gomer (modern day Germany) with all its troops, and Beth Togarmah (also part of Turkey) from the far NORTH with all its troops-the MANY nations with you."  Ezekiel goes on to say in verse 7 that they will be called to arms to invade a land that has recovered from war, whose people were gathered from many nations (if you refer back to Ezekiel 37:21, the Lord says "I will take Israelites out of the nations where they have gone, I will gather them from all around and bring them back into their own land......the nation that they will be overtaking will be Israel after its war with Syria, I'll show you why I say Syria in scripture in a bit). As you read on in Ezekiel you'll see that God sends Russia and other nations into Israel to plunder it and attack it after Israel destroys Syria. Few will be left in Israel and those that are left will be the followers of Christ. 

Now to take you to where we have already studied to show you that what Isaiah's prophesied is now happening. Isaiah 17 is an Oracle about Damascus-Syria. Isaiah says vs 1 "See, Damascus (Syria) will no longer be a city but will become a heap of ruins." Amos 1:3 This is what the Lord says: For three sins of Damascus (Syria) even for four, I will not turn back my wrath. I will send fire upon the house of Hazael that will consume the fortresses of Ben-Hadad. I will break down the gate of Damascus (Syria). Interestingly enough there have already been 3 major wars involving Syria and Israel 1948, 1967 and 1973 just as Amos had said "three" but the forth God will destroy Syria. As of last week Israel and Syria have declared war and main stream media has failed to discuss what is happening. Last night Bill pulled up an article on a news site of what was happening as of Friday and as of Friday many people are fleeing from Syria, Russia is setting up its defenses, Iran is preparing its nuclear missiles and all of scripture is coming into full alignment. We read the article and were amazed that you could almost lay the article next to your bible and be reading the same thing.

These are all the beginnings of the birth pains. A final World War will come to pass before the final war that completes scripture. Is the war we are seeing in Israel and Syria in fact the final World War that will set into motion the second coming of Christ, scripture sure seems to point in that direction. I'm no scholar, I've never went to seminary....but I believe deeply in a God that speaks to his children when they have an ear to hear and heart to learn. Its time for us to turn back to God and be ready to stand in the face of opposition in these challenging times ahead. 

Allow this to challenge you to look at scripture and to look at life and see the same thing!! God is preparing the hearts of those that love him. 

I want to post this like I want to post a baseball bat to my head.....but I feel like I would be disobeying what God has asked me to do if I fail to do so. As our pastor always tells me "you brought all this on yourself when you told God to choose you that you would go." YEP, somedays I wonder if I knew what I was saying on that day sitting up at prayer mountain surrendering it all to God and asking Him to use me in a way that I never dreamt he could or would. So here I am "surrendered" and still saying "send me....I will go Isaiah 6:8"