Saturday, March 12, 2011


Burn day comes but once a year at the Konneker house, but the anticipation of it looms in the air for weeks before the event. I guess you could say that between my dad, my father in law and myself we are consumed by the idea that we get to go play with fire once a year. I really think we should be hired as full time controlled burners....but I don't think they would pay someone so eager to do their job.

Burning off the old and watching the new life spring up afterwards gives such an excitement to spring. To see what was once dead and lifeless burnt away and within weeks new fresh green life come in its place just fills ones heart with such accomplishment. Isn't that so much of what our lives are like. Over the winter most of us become stale, stagnant and lifeless.....much like the bear hibernating for the winter. Spring comes and our lives all wake up like a flower pushing its way up from the dirt and breathing in the fresh air of spring....ready to tackle another year of rains, storms, drought and then winter once again, always braving the elements and always enduring through it all.

I wonder is our life as consuming as the fire? Do we fully understand the brevity of our lives? If we did understand the brevity of our lives would we live it differently? Would we be consumed with doing more? Would we change how we lived each day? I watched as a field that once stood tall with 6' grasses was reduced to nothing more than ash within an are our lives in reality. We all get a certain amount of time in our life and I want to be just as consumed as the grasses were with the difference the fire made in them with the lives that I come in contact with on a daily basis. May my life be one that is Consumed.