the only thing that He knew would make an eternal impact on His people. Something that we all could relate to, the loss of something so precious to us that would forever change our lives. The thought of God chosing me or God chosing you is far from fathomable for us. Who are we that we would deserve such an honor to be chosen by the king of kings to accomplish something great for his Kingdom. As we look through the bible we see so many sinners saved by grace and used by God but yet we see that its possible for them but impossible for us. Jeremiah 1:5 says. "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I SET YOU APART (consecrated) I appointed you as a prophet to the nations. Why do we fail to see what God has imparted to us and focus on the failure the world continues to tell us we are. God has an eternal plan for us to accomplish. I know I fail to see it daily. I fail to follow it daily. I FAIL to feel worthy of the call. Afraid of failing, afraid of falling, afraid of being persecuted. 1 John 2:20 says "but you have an annointing from the Holy One, and you know the truth. I do not write to you because you do not know the truth, but because you do know it and because no lie comes from the truth. John goes on to say in verse 27 "as for you the annointing you receieved from him remains in you". We are capable because of the annointing he has placed in us not from our human perspective but from divine perspective. Isn't it time for us to step out and be "SET APART', "CONSECRATED" for all that God has set apart for us to accomplish. How different would the bible have read if David didn't follow through as king, or Moses failed to lead the people. Where is the David in you, where has the Moses gone. Its our time now. Our time to stand up and be all that God created us to be. Consecrated for Him.