As I was talking to Bill today he reminded me that life really does leave a trail of tears. Whether it be good tears or bad tears...life holds an abundance of both. I go through my weeks trying to remain strong to hold myself together for the sake of those that I work with & those around me that need for me to be strong. But yet my heart cries and evening and weekends the tears begin. I did something today that I never thought I would ever do...I went with my mom & dad and helped them pick out a grave stone. Any other time in my life this may have not been so difficult but with the reality of the situation
I stood there utterly shocked at the realization of it all. A number of years ago a member of our church had been praying for Bill & I (when we were in the depths of ministry leadership) she had wrote a note to us on a piece of paper that had said that as she was praying for us she heard Isaiah 53:10-11....the will of the Lord will prosper in his hands. After the suffering of his soul, he will see the light of life and be satisfied. I keep this note tucked away in our bible and I run it across it from time to time. Yesterday morning as I made my hour commute to work...I just shut down the radio and began to beg God to get us through this. I begged Him to give us strength that we could not find on our own, but only a strength that He could provide. As I was praying I heard clear as day "you will see the light of life...after the suffering of your soul." I felt an overwhelming sense of peace come over me. As many of you know Isaiah is one of my favorite books in the bible...as I was studying I ran across Isaiah 40:4 Every valley shall be raised up every moutain and hill made low; the rough ground shall become level, the rugged places a plain. And the glory of the Lord will be revealed. I believe that....I believe that every valley in our life does eventually level out & every mountain that we climb has a majestic peak and that all the rough ground that we have travelled leads us to the beautiful plains. AND IN ALL THINGS GOD WILL BE GLORIFIED. This trail we travel in life does leave many tears but we can be assured that we never travel it alone. He catches every tear...cupped in His hands.